
    KING-CORD CO.,LTD为1982年成立的台资企业.目前主要生产基地在大陆深圳,同时在美国、日本、中东等地设有代理销售通路.
我司的产品为A/C电源线,适用于IT/办公设备, 家电,照明,工业设备及其它相关电气产品.
我司为符合国际安全认证的制造商,并且是ISO9001和ISO14000认证的企业. KING-CORD更是完全符合RoHS和REACH的要求,且是SONY和Canon的绿色环保伙伴.


KING-CORD CO.,LTD was established as a Taiwanese Corporation in 1982 with our main production plant in Shenzhen, China and we have a sales presence in the USA, Europe, Japan and the MiddleEast.
Our product offering is A/C POWER CORDs used in IT / Office Equipment, home appliances, Lighting, Industrial Equipment andother related electrical products .
We are a global manufacturer with safety approvals from all international agencies worldwide and we are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. King Cord is fully RoHS and REACH complaint to the latest editions as well as a certified Green Partner to SONY TV and Canon.
Our company Mission is to be the industry leader in meeting our customers needs with the highest level of Quality, Service and Competitive pricing.
We thank you very much for your interest and support!


联 系 人:  张小姐/周小姐 所在地区:  广东-深圳市
联系电话:  登录后即可查看 公司传真:  登录后即可查看
通讯地址:  广东 深圳市 宝安区松岗镇潭头西部工业区B2 公司主页:  http://www.king-cord.com